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Devon Lodge 1138
Freemasons in Newton Abbot
A very warm welcome to our website and we anticipate that you will obtain interesting information about the “Devon” Lodge in particular, and, by exploring the links, about Freemasonry in general.
Interested in Freemasonry? Apply to the Devon Lodge No. 1138 here.

Building a caring society with INTEGRITY
We meet at The Masonic Hall, Devon Square, Newton Abbot, TQ12 2HH, on the second Tuesday in each month, except June, July and August. Tyle at 6.30pm. The Installation meeting, in March, Tyle at 3.30pm. Dress code, dark suits and white gloves.
The Devon Lodge of Instruction normally meets on the last Tuesday in the month in January, February, March, April, August, September, October and November.
The United Grand Lodge of England, the governing body of Freemasons in England and Wales, has produced an informative booklet entitled, “Freemasonry: What’s It All About?” Further information may be obtained by this link.
Interested in the social media? Follow PGLDevonshire on Twitter and Facebook.
If you are interested in joining freemasonry and bettering yourself and life, please apply here.
Upcoming Events
December 14th
Second degree.
Devon Lodge
December 19th
A wonderful festive night, all welcome.
Devon Lodge
January 11th
First degree.
Devon Lodge
February 5th
A celebration evening and dinner, all welcome.
Redcliffe Hotel
February 8th
Business meeting.
Devon Lodge
March 8th
Devon Lodge
What is freemasonry?
One of the oldest social and charitable organisations in the world, Freemasonry’s roots lie in the traditions of the medieval stonemasons who built our cathedrals and castles.
It is here that a number of the famous elements of Freemasonry find their roots. In the medieval era, stonemasons often travelled around to find work in different locations. To demonstrate their level of qualification, they would use grips, words and signs in order to distinguish themselves from unqualified builders.
Freemasonry uses building analogies to teach members how to lead productive lives that benefit the communities that they live in. In the medieval era, stonemasons wore aprons and gloves to protect themselves while working on shaping rough pieces of stone, but in today’s society Freemasons meet to build friendships and communities rather than cathedrals and castles.

Join Freemasonry
Want to better yourself and make long lasting friendships?
Join Devon Lodge No. 1138 now.
Devon Lodge News
Installation 2022
The 2022 Devon Lodge 1138 Installation will be taking place at 1400 at Devon Square, Newton Abbot. We are very much looking forward to installing our new master and his officers. Images to follow, post installation.
Tuesday, October 12th
A Regular Meeting was held at The Masonic Hall, Newton Abbot. The Lodge was opened in due and ancient form with solemn prayer. The main item was a Third Degree Ceremony which was undertaken in an excellent manner by our Worshipful Master, his Officers and Brethren....
Tuesday, September 14th
An Emergency Business Meeting was held at The Masonic Hall, Newton Abbot. The Lodge was opened in due and ancient form. W.Bro. J. Bird was re-elected Worshipful Master and then re-appointed his Officers for the ensuing Masonic Year. During the completion of Lodge...
Tuesday, March 10th
The Installation Meeting of "Devon" Lodge was held at The Masonic Hall, Newton Abbot with an excellent attendance. W.Bro. J. Bird was Installed as Worshipful Master and then appointed and invested his Officers. After completing the Labours of the Meeting the Lodge was...
Tuesday, February 11th
The annual Business Meeting was held at the Masonic Hall, Newton Abbot. The Lodge was opened and closed in all Three Degrees in due and ancient form with the explanations of the Working Tools in each Degree. Following the completion of the annual business affaires the...
Tuesday, January 14th
A Regular Meeting was held at The Masonic Hall, Newton Abbot. The Lodge was opened in due and ancient form with solemn prayer. The main item was an Initiation Ceremony which was undertaken in an excellent manner by our Worshipful Master, his Officers and Brethren....
Interested in Freemasonry? Apply to the Devon Lodge No. 1138 here.